Disc: Black label, dog on top.
Matrix numbers: PPKM-2724-4S B2 / PPKM-2725-4S B1 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Disc: Black label, dog on side.1
Matrix numbers: PPKM-2724-4S B2 / PPKM-2725-4S B2 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: PPKM-2724-4S B2 / PPKM-2725-4S C2 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)2
Disc: Red label.5
Matrix numbers: PPKM-2724-4S B2 / PPKM-2725-4S B2 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: PPKM-2724-4S B2 1 / PPKM-2725-4S C1 -1 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)6
A red label copy described as VG+/VG+ where the labels are more like VG sold for $146.94 + shipping and tax on February 16, 2020 on eBay.7
Originally released by RCA Records on as One Broken Heart for Sale / They Remind Me Too Much of You.
- Images from the collection of Christian (of France). ↩
- Matrix numbers from the collection of Christian (of France). ↩
- Confirmed with image from discogs.com. ↩
- Mockup ↩
- Special thanks for this wonderful gift provided by Anonymous. ↩
- eBay reference 124078030166 (February 9, 2020) ↩
- eBay reference 124078030166 (February 16, 2020) ↩