Side 1
Flaming Star
Wonderful World
Night Life
All I Needed Was The Rain
Too Much Monkey Business
Side 2
Yellow Rose Of Texas / The Eyes Of Texas
She’s A Machine
Do The Vega
Tiger Man
Cover Front: RCA and catalog upper left corner. Camden stereo upper right corner. Elvis Sings Flaming Star with song titles.
Cover Back: Catalog number upper right corner. with Elvis Sings “Flaming Star”. With a “1”, “2” or “3” on bottom left corner or “4” on bottom right corner (identified with Pickwick cover, not yet confirmed with Camden cover.1
Disc: (4/1969) Blue label. Rigid vinyl (found with the “1” and “3” on the back cover).
Matrix numbers
Side 1: WCRS-8154-3S / Side 2: WCRS-8155-3S (Hollywood pressing)
Side 1: WCRS-8154-4S B1E / Side 2: WCRS-8155-2S D4B (Rockaway pressing)
Disc: (1969) Blue label. Non-flexible vinyl.2
Matrix numbers
Side 1: WCRS–8154–1S A4 / Side 2: WCRS-8155–7S A1 (Indianapolis pressing)3
Side 1: WCRS–8154–1S C1 / Side 2: WCRS-8155–6S A5 (Indianapolis pressing)3
Side 1: WCRS–8154–6S- A1A / Side 2: WCRS-8155-2S E5B R (Rockaway pressing)5
Side 1: WCRS–8154–8S A2B / Side 2: WCRS-8155-9S B1B (Rockaway pressing)
Disc: (1969) Blue label. Flexible vinyl.
Matrix numbers
Side 1: WCRS–8154–10S- A3 / Side 2: WCRS-8155-14S A1 (machine stamped) (Indianpolis pressing)
This is only a matter of opinion, but I believe that the flexible vinyl is the most difficult to find for this release.
Inner Sleeve
Generic white or none.
Originally released as PRS-279 Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star and Others in October 1968. Re-released on Pickwick Records as CAS-2304 Elvis Sings Flaming Star in 1975.