Side 1: So Glad You’re Mine / Old Shep
Side 2: Ready Teddy / Anyplace Is Paradise
Cover: picture sleeve front and back. Track listings and catalog number on front. On back1, date © by Radio Corporation of America, 1956.
Disc: (10/1956)2 Black label, dog on top without horizontal line. New Orthophonic High Fidelity on side. Hooked “1” for side. Elvis Presley is capitalized. Camden N.J. on bottom.
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-1S A2 / G2WH-7212-1S A1 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-1S / G2WH-7212-1S A2 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-1S 2 / G2WH-7212-1S A4 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)3
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-1S A3 / G2WH-7212-1S A6 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-1S D1 / G2WH-7212-1S A3 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)3
Disc: (1959) Black label, dog on top without horizontal line. Without New Orthophonic High Fidelity on side. Hooked “1” for side. Elvis Presley is capitalized. No Camden N.J. on bottom.5
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211–8S A3 / G2WH-7212–8S (Indianapolis pressing)
Disc: (10/1956) Black label, dog on top with horizontal line. 45 EP on right side.6
Matrix numbers: G2 WH7211-2S A1 RCA A / G2 WH7212-2S A1 RCA B (machine stamped) (Rockaway pressing)7
Disc: (10/1956) Black label, dog on top with horizontal line. No 45 EP on right side.
Matrix numbers: G2 WH7211-2S A2 RCA D / G2 WH7212-2S A2 RCA E (machine stamped) (Rockaway pressing)
Disc: (10/1956) Black label. No dog on top with horizontal line.
Matrix numbers: G2 WH7211-2S A (machine stamped) RCA (hand etched) D (machine stamped) (Rockaway pressing) / G2 WH7212-2S A (machine stamped) RCA (hand etched) E (machine stamped) (Rockaway pressing)
Disc: (10/1956) Black label, dog on top without horizontal line. New Orthophonic High Fidelity on side. Straight “1” for side. ELVIS PRESLEY is all caps.
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-3S A1 / G2WH-7212-3S A1 (machine stamped) (Hollywood pressing)
Cover: picture sleeve front and back. No track listings or catalog number on front. EPA-992 EPA-993 on lower right corner.8 On back, date © 1956, RCA, New York, N.Y. with a “2” lower right corner.6
Disc: (1965) Black label, dog on side.6
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-8S / G2WH-7212-8S (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)7.
Disc: (1968) Orange label.8
Matrix numbers: G2WH-7211-8S / G2WH-7212-8S (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
- eBay reference 230727539633 (January 13, 2012) ↩
- Date from “Elvis Presley: Discography | The Official Elvis Presley Site.” Elvis The Music. Sony Music Entertainment. January 25, 2011. ↩
- Matrix numbers from the collection of PIOTRULA (of Poland) ↩
- Matrix numbers from the collection of PIOTRULA (of Poland) ↩
- eBay reference 260715961126 (January 9, 2011) ↩
- Images from the collection of Christian (of France) ↩
- Matrix numbers from the collection of Christian (of France) ↩
- eBay reference 350385881588 (September, 10, 2013) ↩
- Images from the collection of Christian (of France) ↩
- Images from the collection of Christian (of France) ↩
- Matrix numbers from the collection of Christian (of France) ↩
- eBay reference 350385881588 (September, 10, 2013) ↩